Silver Lining

Tour Ready

Silver Lining want to create a new show with the same engaging energy and atmosphere captured in their previous, self-titled work.

Starting this new performance with the ethos of creating circus that is accessible, honest and fun, the company are going to look at the intricacies and complications of the relationships between performers, as well as at their own memories, to develop a more prominent theme with a strong focus on high-level skills and live music. It is still early in the devising process but the show will maintain the Silver Lining energy and style!

Current state of project

Throwback has been premiered at Jacksons Lane and Edinburgh Fringe Underbelly Circus Hub, it is now ready for touring in UK.

Looking for
Marketing and Promotional Support, Pre-bookings, Rehearsal Space, Residency Advice, Space in Kind, Tour Booking Advice

Set / rigging & technical details

Chinese pole, Aerial Straps/Tension Straps, live music, hand-balancing slide

Mix of Recorded and Live
Min width
Min depth
Min height
Full tech spec
Lighting plan
Get-in / get-out
6 hrs get in depending on rig/ 45 mins get-out
Requires tech support for get-in
Performers / crew on tour